All groups must be in possession of a first aid kit. All serious injuries and cases of hospital treatment must be reported to the warden and recorded in the site accident book which is located in the accessible toilet for campers and in the kitchen for Spinney Hut users.

All groups booking the Spinney should ensure that they have the appropriate insurance cover. The Spinney will not be held liable for any injuries to person or damage to equipment whilst on site.

Vehicles carrying camping equipment can be driven along the track to the site. These must be unloaded at the edge of the track. NO vehicles should drive onto the camping sites. All vehicles should be left on the main car park once unloaded. In exceptional circumstances i.e. Bad weather, the attendants reserve the right to restrict vehicle movements.

Please leave all areas clean and tidy. We encourage recycling of waste.
A small recycling compound is located adjacent to the main building next to the access track barrier.
The maroon wheelie bin is for non recyclable waste, the blue bin is for recyclable waste (clean plastic, card and steel tins), there is a compost bin and a container for aluminium waste.
There is also a waste paper container for news papers and magazines. 

Mobile reception is adequate.

Wi-Fi is available. Please ask for the code on arrival.

Off site attendants are usually available to see to the needs of the campers. They can be contacted through Mark Miller on 07534953843.